We all know diet and exercise are important when it comes to overall health. It’s just that often there’s this wall standing between our health and the motivation we need to invest in our health. Chances are you’ve tried in the past, stuck with it for a while, but eventually lost motivation. You may even be at the point where you don’t want to hear about another stupid program promising miracles that won’t happen to you.
Well, you are in luck. We offer a plan, guidance, motivation, expertise and inspiration to achieve health goals you’ve all but given up on. And you’ll have good company every step of the way.
Hanna McCabe has lost 50lbs while utilizing the Optimal Health Trainer online program. Hanna is currently competing in Natural Bodybuilding Bikini competitions around the country. She is taking the stage by storm with a team of Optimal Health Trainers by her side, cheering her on every step of the way.
Our online trainers have provided a training and nutrition plan to keep her on track and successfully accomplish her goals.

David Palmer changed his eating habits and started exercising consistently losing over 50 lbs of fat. Dave started using the online training to help him get ready for a long awaited trip to Bora Bora with his wife.
Optimal Health Trainer provided specific eating plans and goals along with a step by step exercise protocol that kept him on track and motivated.
David continues on today with the online training working to make his transformation a lifestyle that will keep him healthy, energetic and able to be active for decades to come.

Why We’re Different and Can Truly Make a Difference in Your Life
Unlike the competition, we don’t just sell you a product and send you on your merry way. We stick by you every step of your health journey. Our health trainers are there for you, ready to answer any questions at any moment. We adjust your diet and workout sin real time, making sure they meet all your needs. If you ever feel like you’ve fallen off the path and can’t figure out how to get back on, we’re there get you back up and motivate you to keep going.
I have heard Doug speak and have read his books along with other great research papers. I highly recommend him and his training staff for anyone wanting to improve their health or the health of their clients/patients.