Optimal Health Insider
Research broken down for ease of use
Prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics–what’s the difference?
Just when you thought you had a good understanding of probiotics, along comes something called pre-biotics. Then soon after, something called post-biotics. Just what are they, and how do they promote optimal health? The good news is they're all related, and part of...
Colostrum’s respiratory infection benefit includes young adults, new study finds
A new trial from Poland has found that bovine colostrum can reduce risk of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) in young adults working in situations that subject them to "a heightened risk of infection." The study, conducted on non-athlete medical students,...
The “conspiracy theorists” were right about the dangers of acetaminophen
In the Covid era, when censorship has become commonplace, most people know they can't discuss vaccine safety on YouTube or Facebook. Not only will doing so get you banned on social media, but will also put you at risk of wrath from multiple governmental agencies. But...
Study finds high antioxidant diet reduces miscarriage rate, while processed food diet increases risk
A new study from UK's University of Birmingham is reinforcing just how important antioxidants are for good health---and how detrimental processed foods are. In this case the research relates to healthy pregnancies. The researchers found a diet rich in fruit,...
Adding more magnesium to diet wards off dementia and slows brain aging, study finds
In a world suffering from skyrocketing dementia rates, a new study is offering a glimmer of hope: an increase in daily magnesium will provide critical protection as you age. According to findings from research conducted at Australian National University (ANU) more...
More than six teaspoons of sugar each day increases risk of 45 different health conditions, study finds
Your mother was right when she said consuming too much sugar would rot your teeth; however, according to new research, tooth decay belongs down near the bottom of the list of sugar dangers. The new study examined 83 health outcomes related to sugar consumption and...
Big Food Addiction Tactics: Lessons from Big Tobacco’s Playbook
If you're having a difficult time kicking the junk food habit, you're not alone. And it's not an accident that so many people struggle with seemingly irresistible cravings: junk food is designed to be addictive. According to a study published in the journal Addiction...
Cinnamon’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties can help fight cognitive decline, review finds
Cinnamon and its bioactive compounds support brain function, a new systematic review has found. According to the researchers, this benefit likely includes slowing the cognitive impairment associated with neurodegenerative diseases. One of the potent "bioactive...
Researchers say the Ginkgo Biloba you take for energy also provides cardiovascular benefits
Every day millions of people reach for Ginkgo Biloba supplements to boost their energy level and to improve cognitive function. However, according to scientists in Portugal, Ginkgo Biloba also provides untapped antioxidant and cardiovascular benefits. Ginkgo Biloba...
Mainstream media says supplements are mostly worthless; over 90% of pro athletes disagree
According to a widely distributed 2022 report, supplements are "useless for most people." The report was widely parroted in the usual places---U.S. News and World Report, New York Times, Yahoo News, and other mainstream media outlets. Ignoring the fact that the...
Healthy gut microbiomes promote faster muscle healing, new Harvard study finds
Almost everyone who is interested in maintaining an healthy immune system knows the first critical step is to optimize the gut. Afterall, an estimated 70 percent of a person's immune system lies within the gut. People who connect the dots even further realize that the...
OHS Building Expansion Highlighted by Arizona Commerce Authority
The ACA reccenlty featured us in a news publication! https://www.azcommerce.com/news-events/news/2023/2/optimal-health-systems-expands-supplement-production-operations-in-pima/ "OPTIMAL HEALTH SYSTEMS EXPANDS SUPPLEMENT PRODUCTION OPERATIONS IN PIMA The whole...