Optimal Health Insider
Research broken down for ease of use
Phytonutrients reverse cell damage in one study, lower all-cause mortality in another study
A new study from Israel has found that a type of phytonutrient called carotenoids inhibited the secretion of the MMP-1 enzyme---the enzyme responsible for collagen damage---by around 50%. Meanwhile a Penn State University study found that people with Parkinson’s...
Phytonutrient… Polyphenol… Flavonoid. What are the differences? A quick primer.
Numerous epidemiological and clinical studies indicate that a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and herbs improve health in a number of ways. Phytonutrients in the foods are the primary catalyst for these health benefits. Many of these studies are documented here on the...
Ginger: Three studies in 2021 highlight plant’s amazing anti-inflammatory properties
Ginger is a flowering plant whose root is widely used as a spice, and, in many cultures, as a traditional medicine. Ginger's scientific name is Zingiber officinale. Ginger has been in use as a food since at least 1,500 BC, and was first recorded as a medicinal in the...
Beta glucan—little known immune nutrient now shown to also protect against COVID
Beta glucans are a group of polysaccharides naturally occurring in the cell walls of cereals, bacteria and fungi. As a soluble fiber, beta glucans vary in molecular mass, solubility, viscosity, branching structure and gelation properties---depending on where they are...
VITAL study shows major autoimmune benefit from Omega-3 and Vitamin D supplementation
A new study conducted at Brigham and Women’s Hospital at Harvard University found that people who took Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids had a significantly lower rate of autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D alone was also shown to reduce autoimmune disease when compared to...
Attacks on supplements continue as California bans sale of weight loss products to minors
The California state legislature has approved new legislation that appears to be more about pleasing the pharmaceutical industry than following actual science. The new bill, AB-1341, effectively bans the sale of dietary supplements either formulated or marketed for...
Magnesium helps relieve diabetes symptoms, Italian meta-analysis concludes
A new meta-analysis conducted in Italy has corroborated earlier research that the essential mineral magnesium dramatically reduces diabetes symptoms. The main outcome, according to researchers, was "a decline in insulin resistance with magnesium intake, especially in...
Vitamin K may be more important than Vitamin D in COVID battle, says new study
Vitamin K2 status may have a stronger association with COVID-19 related inflammation than Vitamin D deficiency, according to a new study from the Netherlands. The main take-away from the study, say researchers, is that Vitamin D supplementation should be complemented...
Probiotic supplements that improve gut microbiome could aid in Long COVID recovery, new study finds
A new study from Hong Kong has concluded that probiotic supplementation may be the key to fighting the long-term symptoms that many COVID patients suffer. These symptoms, which can last months or even years, have been termed simply as "Long Covid." In technical...
Green tea protects against influenza and other respiratory viruses, new meta-analysis confirms
Whether drinking, gargling or swallowing an extract in a capsule, green tea is effective at warding off influenza and other upper respiratory tract illnesses. These are the findings of a new meta-analysis that included a review of the effectiveness of tea gargling and...
Exposure Protection Pak: Over 50 nutrients, all backed by credible research
When it comes to building the immune system quickly and effectively, nothing provides more protection than the Exposure Protection Pak. Every Exposure Protection Pak box contains 30 individual packets, with seven capsules in each---a total of 210 capsules. And each of...
Kelp – the immune support gift to humans from the ocean
Kelp is a brown leafy edible seaweed that grows along colder coastlines. Though it is typically thought to be a plant, technically speaking it is not. It does not contain more than one clearly differentiated tissue---making it, instead, a heterokont. Kelp has been an...