Optimal Health Insider
Research broken down for ease of use
Balancing ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fats lowers chronic pain, according to research
A new study has found that a typical Western diet high in Omega-6 oils increases the risk of chronic pain. Meanwhile, reversing this diet, and balancing the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio, improved the same chronic pain. The research was conducted by The University of Texas...
Celebrating 25 years: The watershed research that proved enzymes and antioxidants are superior to NSAIDs
Today the anti-inflammatory benefits of proteolytic enzymes and antioxidants are widely known. The CDC website touts the antioxidant benefits of fruits and vegetables, and many physicians today might try a regimen of enzymes before prescribing prescriptions to a...
Seniors who eat mushrooms regularly reduce odds of mild cognitive impairment by 50%
If you were born in America, you probably heard "Eat your vegetables" on a regular basis when you were growing up. But if you lived in an Asian country, it's more likely you heard "Eat your mushrooms!" Now modern research is finding that mushroom consumption does,...
Low Vitamin D associated with depressive symptoms, German study finds
A tragic side effect of pandemic lockdowns has been skyrocketing rates of depression and other psychological disorders. Ironically, the nutrient found to be so critical for fortifying the body's immune system against viruses---Vitamin D---has also been found to be...
Eating more fruit and vegetables linked to less stress, say researchers
You probably know the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables are powerful immune building nutrients, but did you know they are also a powerful antidote for stress? These are the findings of researchers from Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia. The university has...
Infant gut health so important it even affects motor skills, study finds
Most people now know that a healthy gut microbiome is essential for human health; however, most people don't know that this important aspect of health starts in infancy. While most infant studies to date have concentrated on the importance of a healthy gut for...
Study finds most Americans don’t get enough Omega-3 EFA, and it’s impacting moods
Research published in the British Medical Journal Open has found that the vast majority of Americans do not get adequate amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids in their daily diets. The three types of Omega−3 fatty acids are α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)...
CDC advises some groups NOT get a vaccine – recommends immune nutrients
Any discussion on not getting a vaccine can cause outrage by vaccine advocates; however, it is important to note that the CDC itself is advising certain groups to NOT get a vaccine. Moreover, additional groups are advised to have a discussion with their doctor before...
Nitrate intake linked to better muscle function in new Australian study
A new study, published in the The Journal of Nutrition, found that people who consumed a nitrate-rich diet had significantly better muscle function of their lower limbs. Nitrates are found mostly in vegetables, and in smaller quantities in meat and some fruit. The...
Almost 14 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders—We have the nutrients that can help
New research published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine has found that an estimated 13.6 million U.S. adults suffer from at least one sleep disorder. And, like toppling dominoes, America's sleep problems translate into widespread related issues. For example,...
These are stressful times: New research shows omega-3 supplements can help
Omega-3 fatty acids---long known for having anti-inflammatory properties that provide numerous health benefits---may be able to provide yet another benefit that is urgently needed during the current pandemic: stress support. In a recent clinical study, researchers...
New immune benefit of colostrum demonstrated: prevention of ‘leaky gut’
A new study, conducted in vitro, has identified a potential new benefit of colostrum. The research, published in the journal Nutrients, found that bovine colostrum was able to strengthen the cells found in gut wall lining. These cells become weakened if bacteria...