Optimal Health Insider
Research broken down for ease of use
Vitamin D deficiency raises risk of getting COVID-19, according to new U.S. university study
People who are vitamin D deficient are nearly 60 percent more likely to test positive for coronavirus, according to a new study. The "retrospective study" was conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago, and was published Sept. 3 in JAMA Network Open. To...
Probiotics usage surging worldwide during pandemic, according to survey
Taking immune building supplements isn't one of the government's "approved" COVID-19 prevention recommendations. You won't find it listed along with hand washing, social distancing and wearing face masks on any public service announcement. Just the same, it appears...
Vitamin C shown to increase critical muscle mass as we age
Most people think of Vitamin C as the go-to nutrient for immune support. Consumers are less aware of the importance of Vitamin C for building and maintaining muscle. Though it has been a popular tool for body builders and other athletes for a number of years, it is...
A single dose of polyphenols can boost cognitive function, study shows
In a first-of-a-kind study, researchers have determined that a single dose of polyphenols can improve cognitive function. The research was published in the European Journal of Nutrition in August 2020. The study was conducted by researchers from the Illinois...
Shorter and less acute illnesses for vitamin/mineral users, according to new research
In a new study, adults who took a daily multi-vitamin/mineral supplement experienced shorter periods of sickness, and with less severe symptoms, than their counterparts in a placebo control group. The supplement contained the vitamins and minerals traditionally...
Calcium and Vitamin D supplement combo reduces episodes of vertigo
Taking Vitamin D and calcium supplements twice a day mitigated the chances of getting vertigo again, according to a new study published in the August 5, 2020, online issue of Neurology. Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, reported the...
It’s not just quantity: New study finds QUALITY of sleep affects eating behavior too
If you think waking up to check your cell phone during the night doesn't affect your health and well-being, think again. For one thing, it's probably encouraging you to gain weight. For years scientists have known that different brain regions are activated during the...
Resveratrol improves bone mineral density in women, according to new study
Resveratrol is known for its ability to strengthern the immune system, improve cardiovascular health and support cognitive function. Now it appears improving bone health can be added to the growing list of benefits. A new study has found that resveratrol’s propensity...
Plant-based Omega-3 supplement reduces cholesterol in new 12 week trial
A 12-week randomized controlled trial has shown that healthy individuals consuming a microalga-based Omega-3 supplement can achieve significant drops in cholesterol levels. The study, published June 2020 in Nutrients, reported a 25% drop in very-low-density...
As children forced to wear masks, study finds 60% of kids already lack cardiorespiratory fitness
As politicians debate forcing children to wear face masks, it appears there is little discussion on how face coverings may affect the "pandemic" that pre-dates COVID-19: poor respiratory fitness. According to a new study from the American Heart Association nearly 60%...
Acid blockers greatly increase COVID risk, according to new research
In this video we review new research showing how the use of acid blockers greatly increases the risk of contracting COVID-19. The study, published earlier this month in The American Journal of Gastroenterology, found that quitting acid blockers lowers COVID risk by as...
Fruits and veggies every day keeps diabetes away, says new research
The occurrence of type 2 diabetes is increasing around the world; however, there is good news: It's easy to lower the risk. New research from Europe has demonstrated that every 66 gram per day increase in total fruit and vegetable intake--approximately the size of an...