Optimal Health Insider

Research broken down for ease of use

America’s use of nutritional supplements grows to 77% of population

America’s use of nutritional supplements grows to 77% of population

A nationwide survey has found the number of Americans taking nutritional supplements has grown to 77%. An almost equal number---76%---report they have trust in the supplement industry as a whole. The survey was taken in late 2019 by the Council for Responsible...

New study shows kids with higher Omega-3 levels have healthier DNA

New study shows kids with higher Omega-3 levels have healthier DNA

Studies during the past two decades have linked omega-3 supplementation with many health benefits. In addition to offering protection against heart disease and allergies, omega-3s have been shown to support skin, hair, brain and hormone health. Now new research from...

Tips and tools to get started on your own research

Tips and tools to get started on your own research

When it comes to health, nutrition and disease there is a lot of diversity of thought. That's the nice way to say there is bitter disagreement. And it's only gotten worse during the divisive era of COVID-19. Government directives supposedly "based on science" don't...