Optimal Health Insider
Research broken down for ease of use
“DMB” supplement combo reduces COVID-19 severity in Singaporean study
Medical researchers from Singapore General Hospital recently published a "preprint study" that shows how a combination of nutritional supplements can reduce the progression of COVID-19 into the severe or fatal stages. The supplements used in the research included...
America’s use of nutritional supplements grows to 77% of population
A nationwide survey has found the number of Americans taking nutritional supplements has grown to 77%. An almost equal number---76%---report they have trust in the supplement industry as a whole. The survey was taken in late 2019 by the Council for Responsible...
Study recommends pregnant women take choline supplements during coronavirus pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues we learn more about the pivotal role that overall health plays in the likelihood of contracting and/or surviving the disease. Though not mentioned in government preventative measures, new studies are showing that people with optimal...
Supplement sellers vindicated as FDA orders heartburn drugs pulled from market
In September 2019, CVS Pharmacy, Walgreens and Walmart announced they would no longer sell Zantac and other over-the-counter heartburn medications containing ranitidine. The following month, drugmaker Sanofi voluntarily recalled Zantac over-the-counter medications...
New study shows kids with higher Omega-3 levels have healthier DNA
Studies during the past two decades have linked omega-3 supplementation with many health benefits. In addition to offering protection against heart disease and allergies, omega-3s have been shown to support skin, hair, brain and hormone health. Now new research from...
Low intake of flavonoid-rich foods linked with higher Alzheimer’s risk over 20 years
A new study from Tufts University is shedding additional light on the importance of consuming flavonoid-rich foods consistently over time. According to the study, older adults who consumed only small amounts of flavonoid-rich foods were two to four times more likely...
Does the president’s medical team know something about zinc research that we don’t?
Last week the media was in an uproar because U.S. President Donald Trump reported he was taking the "unapproved" drug hydroxychloroquine for protection against COVID-19. At the same time Trump stated he was also taking a zinc supplement as a preventative measure, but...
Low Vitamin D levels play role in COVID-19 death rates, according to new study
If you wonder why COVID-19 strikes some countries more drastically than others, you're not alone. Researchers have been wondering the same thing. And now they think they may have found the answer: varying Vitamin D levels. Researchers from Northwestern University...
Tips and tools to get started on your own research
When it comes to health, nutrition and disease there is a lot of diversity of thought. That's the nice way to say there is bitter disagreement. And it's only gotten worse during the divisive era of COVID-19. Government directives supposedly "based on science" don't...
Low Vitamin K level linked to worse outcome for COVID-19 patients in preliminary study
New research from the Netherlands has shown that COVID-19 patients who have low Vitamin K status tend to have worse outcomes. Though this research is a small preliminary study, it is reinforcing other findings that patients with low levels of key nutrients in their...
Probiotics reduce Irritable Bowel Syndrome, abdominal pain in new clinical trial
A new randomized study has again proven the "clinical efficacy" of probiotics in supporting different digestive conditions. The new clinical trial determined that two different probiotic strains were able to both reduce abominal pain related to Irritable Bowel...
You should do your own research on Vitamin C and its effect on COVID-19
Currently a debate is raging over whether Vitamin C is able to prevent and combat COVID-19. Some countries treat patients with high doses of Vitamin C. Other countries prevent practitioners from even listing Vitamin C as one of the possible treatment options. While...