Optimal Health Insider

Research broken down for ease of use

America’s most widely used oil causes a host of health issues

America’s most widely used oil causes a host of health issues

New research from University of California Riverside (UCR) shows soybean oil not only leads to obesity and diabetes, but could also contribute to neurological conditions like autism, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety and depresion. A logical question might be, "If soybean...

Researchers say Vitamin C level so low in some they have scurvy

Researchers say Vitamin C level so low in some they have scurvy

Anyone who has worked in the nutrition industry for any length of time has heard a comment that goes something like this: "I don't need a Vitamin C supplement, because everyone knows that diseases like scurvy are ancient history." Well, it turns out the history of...

Antacids cause cancer?

Antacids cause cancer?

Unbeknownst to most consumers, retailers quietly removed many antacid products from stores in 2019. Why? It turns out research shows that ingredients in popular antacids and acid-blockers can cause kidney damage and other issues---and even lead to cancer. In this...

Study links longer work hours to higher blood pressure

Study links longer work hours to higher blood pressure

If you're an offfice working putting in 49 hours or more each week, you might want to consider taking heart support supplements to offset the damage you're causing to your blood pressure. New research from Canada found Office workers who logged 49-plus hours on the...