Optimal Health Insider

Research broken down for ease of use

FDA approves expanded health claims for omega-3 fatty acids

FDA approves expanded health claims for omega-3 fatty acids

For those who rely on government edicts to know when a nutrient is beneficial, 2019 is the year you can finally be assured the government officially recognizes the heart health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. The caveat is that the approval is somewhat tacit, and the...

Five studies indicating colostrum can keep you healthy this winter

Five studies indicating colostrum can keep you healthy this winter

It's that time of year when people you think of as "really healthy" seem to drop like flies as the yearly cold and flu season rolls around. In fact, the media reported last week that eight members of the Superbowl-winning New England Patriots were unable to play due...

Lutein intake by mothers linked to better child behavior

Lutein intake by mothers linked to better child behavior

Lutein is a critical nutrient that you won't see listed on a typical vitamin/mineral supplement label, though most people have heard of it in relation to eye health. Lutein is found in fruits and vegetables, especially in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and...

Studies from Arizona and China underscore choline for brain health

Studies from Arizona and China underscore choline for brain health

Choline is an essential nutrient for humans and most other animals. It must be obtained through diet since the body synthesizes only very small quantities. Choline is not usually classified as a vitamin, but as "a nutrient with an amino acid-like metabolism."...

Study highlights need for diverse gut bacteria

Study highlights need for diverse gut bacteria

When it comes to choosing a dietary supplement to support gut health, perhaps the most important consideration is choosing a supplement that provides multiple strains of bacteria. And this point is being driven home by a new study from an international team of...

Muscle nutrient creatine also shown to support immune cells

Muscle nutrient creatine also shown to support immune cells

Millions of health consumers use creatine for its muscle support properties; however, most are unaware that creatine's circulation-promoting properties also benefit the immune system. Now a new study conducted at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) is adding...

Iron commonly deficient in young athletes

Iron commonly deficient in young athletes

Iron plays important roles for athletic performance, including red blood cell production and oxygen transport. Previous studies have demonstrated positive associations between athletic performance measurements and iron concentrations. It is now common knowledge that...

Omega-3 supplements fix kids’ bad behavior in university study

Omega-3 supplements fix kids’ bad behavior in university study

Adding an omega-3 fatty acid supplement to the diet could reduce disruptive and abusive behavior according to newly -released research. The research was conducted by a team at University of Massachusetts Lowell and was led by Jill Portnoy, an assistant professor at...

Macro counting causes disease, even blindness

Macro counting causes disease, even blindness

A calorie is a calorie, right? Wrong! If all you do is count calories you're still setting yourself up for a life of disease. For optimal health you must pay attention to the nutritional density of the foods you eat. In one extreme example a UK teenager went blind due...