Optimal Health Insider

Research broken down for ease of use

Vitamin C deficiency linked to pneumonia in three separate trials

Vitamin C deficiency linked to pneumonia in three separate trials

In a review published in Nutrients, Dr. Harri Hemila of the University of Helsinki reported that three different controlled trials had found that vitamin C significantly protected against pneumonia. The review, published in March 2017, asserted that vitamin C...

Young women run faster after taking nutritional supplement blend

Young women run faster after taking nutritional supplement blend

A new study found that female athletes who took a supplement of of minerals and other nutrients for one month were able to accomplish faster running speeds. The research, conducted at Ohio State University, discovered women lowered the average time it took them to run...

Research mounts on Vitamin K supplementation for heart health

Research mounts on Vitamin K supplementation for heart health

Most people first learn about Vitamin K when it's recommended to them for some health issue related to blood clotting. But researchers are now proposing Vitamin K supplementing for a non-emergency measure: to promote cardiovascular health and lower the risk of heart...

Vitamin C benefits include brain health and weight loss

Vitamin C benefits include brain health and weight loss

For decades Vitamin C has been lauded as the go-to nutrient to ward off the seasonal cold and flu threat. Well, move over cough protection… a new study from New Zealand has demonstrated that Vitamin C also provides brain protection and weight loss support. In the...

Up to 99% of population have inadequate fruit and veggie intake

Up to 99% of population have inadequate fruit and veggie intake

Using the "Five servings a day" guideline, about one in ten people consume enough fruits and vegetables. But it gets worse: The recommended five-a-day is an old recommendation that dates back to the 1990s. Today most experts are recommending 10 servings of fruit and...

Vitamin K2 lowers risk of coronary heart disease in 17-year study

Vitamin K2 lowers risk of coronary heart disease in 17-year study

Increased intakes of Vitamin K2 may reduce the risk of mortality from coronary heart disease, according to data from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-NL) cohort. The extensive study tracked more than 33,000 people over a period of...

Testosterone—important to men’s health in a number of ways

Testosterone—important to men’s health in a number of ways

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and anabolic steriod. Testosterone is also produced by females; however, average levels of testosterone in adult males are about seven to eight times as great as in adult females. For this reason it typically thought of as...