Optimal Health Insider

Research broken down for ease of use

Sometimes Stress Needs Some Oxygen

Sometimes Stress Needs Some Oxygen

Stress and anxiety are pretty good at cramping out ability to breathe. Sometimes it’s as extreme as hyperventilating. Other times our bodies are so tense that our breathing grows habitually shallow, also considered chronic hyperventilation. Poor breathing slowly...

Are You One of the 40 Million?

Are You One of the 40 Million?

Rub the back of your neck a lot? Get so tense that your body stiffens up? Thoughts start racing? One leg or both constantly bouncing? Always keeping an eye on a doorway? Stomach always churning? Can’t stop worrying or fearing the worst? Anxiety disorders are the most...

You Have a 1-in-4 Chance of Being a Poor Sleeper

You Have a 1-in-4 Chance of Being a Poor Sleeper

New US research has found that around 25 percent of Americans develop acute insomnia each year, even if they are usually good sleepers. Carried out by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, the new study recruited 1,435...

Chemotherapy Is Necessary… to AVOID

Chemotherapy Is Necessary… to AVOID

After decades of giving chemotherapy to women for breast cancer and being told it was a necessity, the public now discovers what many of us have known for years, it isn’t needed for many women.  Tens of thousands of women who chose to not do chemo over the years have...

Research Proves Vitamin D in Optimal Longevi-D-K2 Helps Ease Depression

Research Proves Vitamin D in Optimal Longevi-D-K2 Helps Ease Depression

Here is a little something to keep all of you up to date with the latest research. A study presented on May 6th, 2018 showed some exciting things. With all the talk going back and forth claiming vitamins work and don’t work, it’s great to finally get a meta-analysis...

Love Your Body for the Sake of Your Health

Love Your Body for the Sake of Your Health

If you’re unhealthy and feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, then you’ve come to the right place. Trying to reach and/or maintain a healthy weight is often a very emotional experience. New Years weight loss resolutions often die at the hands of...

Daily Aspirin Use Linked to Deadly Skin Cancer

As stated on Newsmax, New US research has found a link between taking a daily aspirin and a higher risk of melanoma in men, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Carried out by researchers at Northwestern University, the study looked at medical records from 195,140...

Do Your Daily

Do Your Daily

Wherever you are health-wise, it hasn’t happened by accident, isn’t some sort of cruel punishment or divine gift, and so on. It’s the culmination of a lifetime of effort and choices. Everything you’ve eaten or drank—or not—every bit of exercise and lazy day all add up...

IIFYM and Intuitive Eating… The Sucralose Dilemma

IIFYM and Intuitive Eating… The Sucralose Dilemma

As fitness enthusiasts, we have seen many people lose weight on macro counting and agree with the importance of knowing your food intake. Along with macro plans like IIFYM, there is a resurgence of groups promoting anti-diets or intuitive eating.  We believe there is...

Prostate Cancer Linked to Men’s Waistline Size, Research Suggests

Prostate Cancer Linked to Men’s Waistline Size, Research Suggests

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer for men. Men with larger waistlines could be at higher risk of developing prostate cancer, new research has suggested. The study, by researchers at the University of Oxford, analyzed data on 130,000 men in aged in...

Iron Supplements Increase Cancer Risk UNLESS…

Iron Supplements Increase Cancer Risk UNLESS…

New European research suggests that two common compounds found in iron supplements could increase the growth of a known biomarker for cancer. Carried out by Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden in collaboration with researchers from the UK Medical Research...