Optimal Health Insider

Research broken down for ease of use

Love and Caring Linked to Longevity

Love and Caring Linked to Longevity

While most people are focusing on chocolate, flowers, and teddy bears today, we want to throw in a little research that just might bring you and your family a little closer.  Maybe it'll motivate you to perform random acts of kindness, too, for love and caring for...

Fight off the Flu with Phytonutrients

Fight off the Flu with Phytonutrients

Whether you’re simply afraid of needles or aren’t keen on pumping yourself with the chemical concoction in a flu shot, rest assured there’s plenty you can do to significantly lower your chances of catching the latest strain of the influenza virus. The answer lies with...

A Powerhouse Trio of Nutrients that Love to Keep You Healthy

On the surface, nutrition seems so simple. Some foods make you healthier. Some foods make you sick or unhealthy. Stick with what you know is right and optimal health is yours. Not so fast. The more we learn about how the body works, the more details that reveal...

The Blunt Truth About Why Meal Replacements are a BAD IDEA

The Blunt Truth About Why Meal Replacements are a BAD IDEA

You’re busy. We get it. Making time to cook a balanced meal isn’t always possible when life seamlessly segues from work to one personal life commitment to another. There aren’t always enough hours in a day to cook, or anywhere convenient to pop a prepared meal in a...

Your Thyroid: The Butterfly that Helps Your Body

Your Thyroid: The Butterfly that Helps Your Body

Located in the neck, just beneath the Adam’s apple, sits a butterfly-shaped organ called the thyroid gland. The hormones produced by the thyroid affect nearly every tissue in the body and orchestrate the body’s overall metabolism. Thyroid hormones activate over 100...

Fats that Heal: The Role of EFAs in Heart Health

Fats that Heal: The Role of EFAs in Heart Health

Let’s put heart health in perspective, by time traveling back to February, 1964: The average American male weighed 166 pounds pounds (the current average is 196 pounds) On February 9th, a band called “The Beatles” launched their invasion of America, singing “I Want To...

5 Ways to Get Excited About Weight Loss with LipoLean CLA

5 Ways to Get Excited About Weight Loss with LipoLean CLA

With a new year and an opportunity for a fresh start, it’s high time to tackle your health goals. If one of them is weight loss, be it so you can fit in clothes you miss wearing, want drop the extra pounds for the sake of your weight, or you miss hiking, shooting...