Optimal Health Insider
Research broken down for ease of use
Happy Holidays from the OHS Team
(image from https://senseijohn.me/2011/12/18/merry-christmas-2012/) Every year at Christmas, our founder and formulator reads a story to our staff to help remind us of our blessings and to be thankful for what we have. This year, we want to share a part of it with you...
American Women are Dying Younger but We Can Fix It
A recent study in Newsmax said, "U.S. women's life expectancy has dropped to the bottom of wealthy nations over the last 50 years, according to a report from the Center for Retirement Research. Overall, the center reported that U.S. lifespan has not flourished...
Save Your Energy for the Holidays, Instead of for Battling Toxins
Tis the season for a change in diet and an increase in processed food consumption. This also means it’s a good time of year to nurture your body with a soft cleanse. Many times, a change in diet, especially an increased in highly processed food consumption, can cause...
Why Foods Make You Sick (And How to Stop That)
Foods can make you sick. Carbohydrates from grains, vegetables, and fruits can cause disease. Proteins from vegetable and animal sources (even eggs) can cause major damage as well, and even healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and oils can shorten your lifespan. I want...
CLA: Your Answer to Winning the Battle of the Holiday Bulge
The cake is not a lie. Weight gain happens around the holidays, starting as soon as stores put Halloween candy on shelves. Chances are a bag or two disappears before trick-or-treaters knock on your door… Then add Thanksgiving and all those leftovers just a few weeks...
What You Should Know About Food Dyes and Artificial Flavorings
WHY DOES OPTIMAL HEALTH SYSTEMS USE NO FOOD COLOR DYES OR ARTIFICIAL FLAVORINGS IN ANY OF ITS FORMULAS? SIMPLE: WE WANT YOU TO REACH OPTIMAL HEALTH SAFELY. “If a company uses artificial sweeteners or color food dyes, they don’t care about your health as much as OHS...
Get a Jump-Start on Your New Year’s Health Resolutions
In the last post I talked about getting yourself in the groove with health. I’d like to expound on this by providing your some guidance that’ll help you set solid health goals. This is one of my favorite times of year as 12 months of data wraps up and helps me set...
How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain Without Missing Out
(image from ruchikabehal.com) I get asked many times about holiday weight gain and whether it is real or a myth. New research proves it is real but our research also proves it can be avoided. Research, led by Cornell’s Food and Brand Lab as well as scientists in...
It’s not the Turkey that Makes You Sleepy on Thanksgiving
Everyone's favorite big word around Thanksgiving is "tryptophan." That's the chemical in turkey that puts all of us in a food coma, the one sign that lets us know we have officially enjoyed the holiday to its fullest. Actually, that's not true. Your food coma has...
Debunking 5 Myths Surrounding Autoimmune Diseases
(image from chicagonow.com) In a world dominated by medical practices designed to treat symptoms and never the cause, I wanted to take a moment to debunk some myths and help you safely and intelligently take as much control of your own health as you can when it comes...
How to Avoid Getting Cancer From Your Cell Phone
(image from cloudfront.net) It sounds like a tech-hating conspiracy; however, the longer cell phones have been around, the more data coming in. In May 2011, 30 scientists from 14 countries met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to assess the...
Give your taste buds a tasty holiday spice drink, and your body the health benefits it deserves this season
Using Optimal Fruit & Veggie Plus, you can get in a full day’s servings of fruits and vegetables and an impressive 20,000 antioxidant units while enjoying the flavor of the holidays. Try this holiday recipe that includes our Fruit & Veggie Plus powder: 1 scoop...