Optimal Health Insider

Research broken down for ease of use

Your Cat Isn’t the Only Thing in Your House Plotting Your Death

Your Cat Isn’t the Only Thing in Your House Plotting Your Death

No matter how much of a health nut you are, your body is plagued with toxins. They’re hiding everywhere, slowly poisoning your body and destroying your health. Blood and urine tests Toxins stretch beyond atmospheric pollution. Modern life has allowed toxins to creep...

The Key to Getting All You Want: Discipline

The Key to Getting All You Want: Discipline

(Image borrowed from original blog post on success.com) This is a post originally written by Jim Rohn, one of my mentors. I like the message in this so much that I had to share it with all of you. Part of what I and OHS do for people's health involves individuals...

How Cows Give You Diabetes

How Cows Give You Diabetes

Autoimmune disease is an illness that occurs when the body tissues are attacked by its own immune system. Diagnosing them has proven difficult. Individuals seeking help on average see six different doctors before being diagnosed properly, and 45% of them get labeled...

Caffeine is Robbing You of Your Health and Longevity

Caffeine is Robbing You of Your Health and Longevity

Eurekalert.org cited a 12-year study conducted by Dr. Lucio Mos, who found that young adults who were diagnosed with mild hypertension had 4 times the risk of having a heart attack if they consumed the amount of caffeine equivalent to 4 cups of coffee. More moderate...

Live Healthy and Carefree with Vitamin C During Cold & Flu Season

Live Healthy and Carefree with Vitamin C During Cold & Flu Season

With conflicting information that's cropped up over the years, I wanted to make sure I put the unvarnished truth in front of you when it comes to vitamin C. I want you to enjoy the cooler weather without the illnesses that often come with it. MYTH Vitamin C doesn't...

Energy Drinks are Poison to Your Body

Energy Drinks are Poison to Your Body

Sodas, energy drinks, and sugar-laden beverages are basically heart attacks in a can. Vasanti Malik, a nutrition research scientist from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston stated, “Soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages can seriously damage...

Joint Pain is a Bigger Problem than Cancer

Joint Pain is a Bigger Problem than Cancer

Do you know the number one reason Americans access the Healthcare System today? Pain--not just any pain though. Joint pain. Every day millions of Americans struggle with inflammation leading to chronic aches and pains, and sore joints. The closet approximation is...