5 Ways to Get Excited About Weight Loss with LipoLean CLA

With a new year and an opportunity for a fresh start, it’s high time to tackle your health goals. If one of them is weight loss, be it so you can fit in clothes you miss wearing, want drop the extra pounds for the sake of your weight, or you miss hiking, shooting...

Happy Holidays from the OHS Team

(image from https://senseijohn.me/2011/12/18/merry-christmas-2012/) Every year at Christmas, our founder and formulator reads a story to our staff to help remind us of our blessings and to be thankful for what we have. This year, we want to share a part of it with you...

American Women are Dying Younger but We Can Fix It

A recent study in Newsmax said, “U.S. women’s life expectancy has dropped to the bottom of wealthy nations over the last 50 years, according to a report from the Center for Retirement Research. Overall, the center reported that U.S. lifespan has not...

Save Your Energy for the Holidays, Instead of for Battling Toxins

Tis the season for a change in diet and an increase in processed food consumption. This also means it’s a good time of year to nurture your body with a soft cleanse. Many times, a change in diet, especially an increased in highly processed food consumption, can cause...

Why Foods Make You Sick (And How to Stop That)

Foods can make you sick. Carbohydrates from grains, vegetables, and fruits can cause disease. Proteins from vegetable and animal sources (even eggs) can cause major damage as well, and even healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and oils can shorten your lifespan. I want...