A new Spanish study focusing on first-year university students has found that lower tryptophan consumption is associated with poor sleep quality. Tryptophan is an amino acid that is used by the human body in the biosynthesis of proteins. As an essential amino acid it...
Soccer is big in South American countries—it’s the equivalent of football in the U.S. And Chile is no exception. Every young soccer player esteems to go pro, and many Chileans plan their schedules around the next soccer match. So, it’s not surprising...
Everyone knows smoking is a risk factor for contracting cancer; however, according to researchers with the American Cancer Society, smoking is just one lifestyle habit that contributes to high cancer rates. According to the findings of a new study, four in ten cancer...
Black seed—also known by its scientific name, Nigella sativa—is a small seed that comes from a flowering plant by the same name. As an annual flowering plant, it is native to parts of Africa, India, Asia and the Mediterranean. It is also known as black cummin. The...