New study shows kids with higher Omega-3 levels have healthier DNA

Studies during the past two decades have linked omega-3 supplementation with many health benefits. In addition to offering protection against heart disease and allergies, omega-3s have been shown to support skin, hair, brain and hormone health. Now new research from...

Study links longer work hours to higher blood pressure

If you’re an offfice working putting in 49 hours or more each week, you might want to consider taking heart support supplements to offset the damage you’re causing to your blood pressure. New research from Canada found Office workers who logged 49-plus...

Studies from Arizona and China underscore choline for brain health

Choline is an essential nutrient for humans and most other animals. It must be obtained through diet since the body synthesizes only very small quantities. Choline is not usually classified as a vitamin, but as “a nutrient with an amino acid-like...

German study proves critical need of dietary supplements for elderly

Persons over the age of 65 are virtually guaranteed to have insufficient levels of at least one micronutrient in their blood. And odds are they are deficient in several critical micronutrients. This is the conclusion of an investigation conducted by researchers at the...

Essential fatty acids combat the number one killer of women

Thanks to endless pink “awareness” campaigns, most people think breast cancer is the number one killer of women. But it’s not. It’s not even close. Heart disease is the number one killer of women by a large margin. In fact heart disease kills six times more women than...