The evidence that probiotics affect just about every aspect of health has accumulated significantly in recent years, and this year is no exception. In early 2024 studies from Italy and China showed that probiotic supplements—also known as “beneficial...
When individuals with a mostly sedentary lifestyle get motivated and start an exercise program, they will see additional improvements in muscle strength if they include a protein supplement as part of their program. This was the primary finding of a study on...
Most people recognize that heavy alcohol consumption comes with a number or health risks; however, one common health condition that isn’t normally associated with alcohol consumption is macular degeneration. A 2021 study found that moderate to high alcohol...
A new Spanish study focusing on first-year university students has found that lower tryptophan consumption is associated with poor sleep quality. Tryptophan is an amino acid that is used by the human body in the biosynthesis of proteins. As an essential amino acid it...
Everyone knows smoking is a risk factor for contracting cancer; however, according to researchers with the American Cancer Society, smoking is just one lifestyle habit that contributes to high cancer rates. According to the findings of a new study, four in ten cancer...
Black seed—also known by its scientific name, Nigella sativa—is a small seed that comes from a flowering plant by the same name. As an annual flowering plant, it is native to parts of Africa, India, Asia and the Mediterranean. It is also known as black cummin. The...