According to a new study black seed oil is effective in treating a common, painful health challenge that many young women struggle with: polycystic ovary syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age....
When individuals with a mostly sedentary lifestyle get motivated and start an exercise program, they will see additional improvements in muscle strength if they include a protein supplement as part of their program. This was the primary finding of a study on...
A new study has found supplementing with the amino acid taurine is beneficial in reducing metabolic syndrome variables. Metabolic syndrome is a medical condition that is defined by a “clustering” of different symptoms. A person is diagnosed with metabolic...
Black seed—also known by its scientific name, Nigella sativa—is a small seed that comes from a flowering plant by the same name. As an annual flowering plant, it is native to parts of Africa, India, Asia and the Mediterranean. It is also known as black cummin. The...
High protein diets have become popular in the athletic and weight loss spheres in recent decades. But is loading-up on protein effective or safe over the long term? According to recent studies, the answer is a firm “no” on both counts. A 2022...
According to new research conducted in Taiwan, supplementing with the amino acid L-glutamine has the ability to boost the recovery and performance of athletes following intense bouts of exercise. For this new study researchers focused specifically on combat-sport...