Former CDC chief says Vitamin D reduces COVID-19 risk

If you regularly depend on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for health information, it may be prudent to balance their currently-published information with statements made by employees after they have left the CDC. A case in point: Former director...

Five studies proving Echinacea is a potent immune building nutrient

Last week we presented a brief history on the use of Echinacea as a natural health builder. If you missed the article you can see it here. This week we’ll provide a summary of five studies that show Echinacea’s potent immune supporting properties. Flu...

Five studies showing Vitamin D is a powerful virus fighter

Viruses may be in the news a lot lately, but they are not new. In fact, different viruses are the primary cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. Remember, influenza and your common cold are viruses. Pneumonia, AIDS, HPV, and viral hepatitis are also...