Being a billionaire doesn’t make you a health and nutrition expert. It does get you all kinds of attention from the media, though. So, when a billionaire points out that probiotics are able to heal the gut and combat malnutrition, it makes headlines all over the...
Unbeknownst to most consumers, retailers quietly removed many antacid products from stores in 2019. Why? It turns out research shows that ingredients in popular antacids and acid-blockers can cause kidney damage and other issues—and even lead to cancer. In this...
A high-fat meal can silence communication between the intestine and the rest of the body, according to a new study on zebrafish conducted by researchers at Duke University. The goal of the Duke researchers was to examine the enteroendocrine cells that normally tell...
If you take an antacid with a glass of water, it just may be that the water actually “cures” your acid problem better than the medicine does. And if you take an antacid without water, it might be more effective to simply drink a glass of water and skip the...
Several studies have linked extended use of popular drugs to treat heartburn and acid reflux with an increased risk of premature death. One example is a 2017 study by Washington University St. Louis which showed greater increases in death risk the longer a person took...
When it comes to choosing a dietary supplement to support gut health, perhaps the most important consideration is choosing a supplement that provides multiple strains of bacteria. And this point is being driven home by a new study from an international team of...