In a recent blog post we discussed the needless concern over the estrogen-like effects that soybean products are thought to pass on to humans. This concern is not justified, though, because human studies have proven that the isoflavones in soy—commonly...
A special report by Optimal Health Systems: On March 18, 2024, Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois announced that he intends to reintroduce his failed 2022 Senate bill (S.4090) forcing strict regulations on the manufacturing and selling of nutritional supplements. In his...
The tide may be slowly turning on the medical establishment’s vilification of nutritional supplements… but don’t get too excited just yet. Last month Dr. Howard LeWinde, the chief medical editor at Harvard Health Publishing, reversed course and...
March 2024 marks a milestone of sorts: It’s the fourth anniversary of the start of America’s unprecedented pandemic lockdowns. The anniversary is a good time to reflect on the status of your own health and whether or not you’re prepared for the next...
According to findings published in the January 2024 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition taking a multivitamin can help prevent memory loss and slow cognitive aging among older adults. The authors of the study noted the benefit was...
With the announcement by food giant Tyson Foods that they are investing in the “insect protein” business, it appears America is a step closer to incorporating bugs into its food supply. The big question is, will we be aware of it when it happens? Becoming...