Search for: X When tourists from the U.S. visit Asian countries they are often shocked by the amount of medical freedom enjoyed in these “backward”countries. Not only can consumers there choose between “traditional medicine hospitals” and...
Quercetin may be the latest nutrient to offer hope in reducing the symptoms of Covid-19. In a test of Covid-19 patients in Pakistan, a one-week treatment with quercetin was linked to milder symptoms and faster conversion from positive to negative tests. Quercetin is a...
According to new research, supplementing with key B-vitamins provide general immune protection and protection against Covid-19 specifically. The research was conducted by examining the B-vitamin intake of 9,189 adults then comparing that intake with the likelihood of...
A new randomized controlled clinical trial from Egypt found that folic acid supplements lowered cardiovascular risks in patients with type 2 diabetes. The risk level reduction was determined by measuring how folic acid affects two different indicators—or...
New research published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research found that long-term daily supplement users had a “better cardiometabolic health profile” than people who chose not to take a nutritional supplement. The study,...
A nationwide survey has found the number of Americans taking nutritional supplements has grown to 77%. An almost equal number—76%—report they have trust in the supplement industry as a whole. The survey was taken in late 2019 by the Council for Responsible...