Most expectant mothers have been told by their doctor to take a folic acid supplement during their pregnancy; however, emerging evidence is showing that selenium and manganese are equally important during pregnancy. Not only can these minerals play a key part in the...
Most people know that Omega-3 essential fatty acids are important for maintaining cardiovascular health, but they might be surprised to learn just how important those protective benefits are. According to new research, published in the American Journal of Clinical...
Conducting breathing exercises for just five minutes per day lowers blood pressure as well as—and in some cases, more than—aerobic exercise or medication, a new U.S. study has found. The research, conducted at University of Colorado at Boulder also found...
You probably know the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables are powerful immune building nutrients, but did you know they are also a powerful antidote for stress? These are the findings of researchers from Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia. The university has...
New research published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research found that long-term daily supplement users had a “better cardiometabolic health profile” than people who chose not to take a nutritional supplement. The study,...
In the 1990s and early 2000s health freedom advocates faced an uphill battle getting the medical establishment to accept the value of probiotics. In those decades, if you asked your family doctor about the benefits of probiotics for digestive issues—or to offset...