A new meta analysis that surveyed 40 earlier trials on Omega-3 fatty acids is cementing the fact that the nutrient is absolutely critical for cardiovascular health. The survey totaled 135,266 subjects and the results were published earlier this month in the journal...
A 12-week randomized controlled trial has shown that healthy individuals consuming a microalga-based Omega-3 supplement can achieve significant drops in cholesterol levels. The study, published June 2020 in Nutrients, reported a 25% drop in very-low-density...
As politicians debate forcing children to wear face masks, it appears there is little discussion on how face coverings may affect the “pandemic” that pre-dates COVID-19: poor respiratory fitness. According to a new study from the American Heart Association...
Studies during the past two decades have linked omega-3 supplementation with many health benefits. In addition to offering protection against heart disease and allergies, omega-3s have been shown to support skin, hair, brain and hormone health. Now new research from...
New research from the Netherlands has shown that COVID-19 patients who have low Vitamin K status tend to have worse outcomes. Though this research is a small preliminary study, it is reinforcing other findings that patients with low levels of key nutrients in their...
Is it necessary to include the mineral magnesium to your daily supplement regimen? Many nutrient guidelines state that megnesium is one mineral we don’t need to supplement because we get more than enough from our diet; however, many nutritional experts today...