Study links longer work hours to higher blood pressure

If you’re an offfice working putting in 49 hours or more each week, you might want to consider taking heart support supplements to offset the damage you’re causing to your blood pressure. New research from Canada found Office workers who logged 49-plus...

FDA approves expanded health claims for omega-3 fatty acids

For those who rely on government edicts to know when a nutrient is beneficial, 2019 is the year you can finally be assured the government officially recognizes the heart health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. The caveat is that the approval is somewhat tacit, and the...

Most common antibiotics lead to heart problems

Researchers have for the first time established a connection between the most commonly prescribed class of antibiotics and two types of heart conditions. Researchers found that current users of fluoroquinolone antibiotics (such as Ciprofloxacin or Cipro) face a 2.4...

New research shows critical role of Vitamin K2 in preventing aneurysms

New research coordinated by Queen Mary University of London has identified a key role that Vitamin K2 plays in preventing the development of blood vessel aneurysms. The study was published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology in May 2019. In their...