Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania say a new study shows a nutrient known for heart health also helps the aggressive behavior that seems to permeate society today. That nutrient, or group of nutrients, are Omega-3 fatty acids. The fact that society has...
In the world of supplementing, CoQ10 is relatively new. It has only been available in the U.S. for a little more than a decade; however, during that time more than 60 studies have focused light on the nutrient’s unique health benefits. “CoQ10” is an...
According to ongoing research, poor sleep quality negatively impacts immune function, heart health, risk of diabetes, obesity and chronic pain. But for those who find getting regular sleep a challenge, there is a health risk they may not be aware of: dementia....
In recent years the health benefits of both vitamins K2 and D have received a lot of attention in institutional research and media coverage. Most of the attention has focused on energy, bone, muscle and immune health—though the health benefits appear to be...
If you’ve suffered a heart attack, a critical “survivor’s step” you should take is to increase your Omega-3 Index. This is one of the findings of a new study that examined the long-term health outcomes of patients following a heart attack. The...
High protein diets have become popular in the athletic and weight loss spheres in recent decades. But is loading-up on protein effective or safe over the long term? According to recent studies, the answer is a firm “no” on both counts. A 2022...