During the past decade a number of studies have made headlines after establishing a link between cell phone use and brain tumors. While detractors are still arguing over the methodology and conclusions of these studies, new research is highlighting a completely...
A new study from UK’s University of Birmingham is reinforcing just how important antioxidants are for good health—and how detrimental processed foods are. In this case the research relates to healthy pregnancies. The researchers found a diet rich in fruit,...
In a world suffering from skyrocketing dementia rates, a new study is offering a glimmer of hope: an increase in daily magnesium will provide critical protection as you age. According to findings from research conducted at Australian National University (ANU) more...
Every day millions of people reach for Ginkgo Biloba supplements to boost their energy level and to improve cognitive function. However, according to scientists in Portugal, Ginkgo Biloba also provides untapped antioxidant and cardiovascular benefits. Ginkgo Biloba...
During the Covid-19 pandemic many governments around the world distributed Vitamin C and Vitamin D supplements to help fortify the population against the viral onslaught. Even in the U.S.—where promotion of any non-pharmaceutical was vilified by the...
A study concluding that potassium-rich diets are “associated with lower blood pressure” is the third such study in three years highlighting the mineral’s capacity for protecting vital organ function. Potassium is often overlooked by health consumers;...