During the Covid-19 pandemic many governments around the world distributed Vitamin C and Vitamin D supplements to help fortify the population against the viral onslaught. Even in the U.S.—where promotion of any non-pharmaceutical was vilified by the...
Wikipedia asserts there is “no or litttle evidence” proving Omega-3 fatty acids confer any health benefit. “Evidence” to Wikipedia means multi-million dollar pharmaceutical-funded studies done in the same manner that are applied to new drugs...
Scientists have known for a long time that Vitamin D is an important factor in maintaining testosterone at optimal levels. Research validating the connection includes a 2008 Australian study that correlated infertility and Vitamin D sufficiency in both the genders....
In 2020 the Zurich-based insurance company Swiss Re—the largest insurer in the world based on policies issued—posited the question, “Is sleep the new blood pressure?” Insurance companies must know leading risk factors if they’re going to...
A review of dozens of studies shows that Omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on the length of telomeres, reported to be a marker of biological aging. Research on telomeres has exploded in recent years as scientists have demonstrated how telomere length can be...
Prior to the Covid pandemic the American Sleep Association estimated 50 million Americans—more than one in seven—suffered from a sleep disorder. During the pandemic this number skyrocketed to an estimated 60 to 70 million Americans. Now, as if the...