If you want to make your children happier and more socially adjusted, feed them fish; if they don’t like fish, provide them with the nutrients that you find in fish. That’s the conclusion drawn from a new UK study published in March in the European Journal...
In 2013 a special feature in the Huffington Post asked, “What’s Behind the Secret Epidemic of Hypothyroidism?” It was termed “secret” since millions of people have it and don’t even know it. That was nine years ago, and since that...
Kelp is a brown leafy edible seaweed that grows along colder coastlines. Though it is typically thought to be a plant, technically speaking it is not. It does not contain more than one clearly differentiated tissue—making it, instead, a heterokont. Kelp has been...
Have you ever wondered why the salt you buy at the grocery store says “iodized salt” on it? It says this because the essential trace mineral iodine has been added to the salt during the packaging process. Many governments of the world started adding iodine...