Research is currently exploding on a little known anti-inflammatory compound called diindolylmethane, or “DIM.” DIM, known to many health promoters for its cancer-fighting properties, is a nutrient commonly found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli,...
A new study has found that supplementing with a combination of glutathione and Vitamin C improves sporting performance in middle-aged triathlon athletes. The researchers reported marked improvements in three measurable areas of health—metabolic, cardiac and...
First the good news: During the Covid pandemic more people became aware of the immune benefits of Vitamin D, so supplementing with the critical nutrient increased. Now the bad news: Even with the increase in supplementing, Vitamin D deficiency is still more common...
If you’re a workaholic you might recognize taurine as an ingredient in the energy drink you picked up at the local convenience store. If you’re a pro athlete you might recognize taurine as one of the energy-enhancing supplements provided by your team...
Both the ancient Chinese and Egyptian civilizations honored mushrooms as “gifts from God.” And no wonder: not only could mushrooms fill the belly when hungry, many types of mushrooms were also found to have healing properties. Today–some 3,500 years...
Lutein and zeaxanthin are already popular nutrients for supporting eye health, but with the publication of the latest research, the two nutrients may become even more popular for their documented ability to improve athletic performance. According to researchers from...