For anyone who has done even a modest amount of research on Vitamin D, the censorship of any discussion on the nutrient relative to Covid is baffling. After all, Vitamin D has been recognized as a critical nutrient for humans for a century—and specifically as a...
The gut microbiome is the new frontier of neuroscience. Due to the copious amount of research during the past decade, scientists now understand that bacteria in the gut affects a person’s overall physiology—including a vital link between that bacteria and...
A new study has once again demonstrated that a diet rich in flavonoid foods will help improve blood pressure, but this study comes with a twist: It found the blood pressure improvements were more significant when test subjects had a healthy gut microbiome. Flavonoids...
At this point it’s impossible to ignore the evidence that maintaining a healthy Vitamin D level is critical in the battle against COVID-19. Not only was Vitamin D highlighted decades ago as being critical for the immune system in general, more than a hundred...
The legendary Fountain of Youth is a magical spring that restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. Tales of such a fountain have been recounted around the world for thousands of years. The mythical fountain has never been found; however, new...
According to new research published in Nutrients, the vitamin known primarily for heart and bone benefits–Vitamin K2—may also be highly beneficial in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. The study, conducted by researchers from the Harvard Extension...