Tips and tools to get started on your own research

When it comes to health, nutrition and disease there is a lot of diversity of thought. That’s the nice way to say there is bitter disagreement. And it’s only gotten worse during the divisive era of COVID-19. Government directives supposedly “based on...

Studies from Arizona and China underscore choline for brain health

Choline is an essential nutrient for humans and most other animals. It must be obtained through diet since the body synthesizes only very small quantities. Choline is not usually classified as a vitamin, but as “a nutrient with an amino acid-like...

German study proves critical need of dietary supplements for elderly

Persons over the age of 65 are virtually guaranteed to have insufficient levels of at least one micronutrient in their blood. And odds are they are deficient in several critical micronutrients. This is the conclusion of an investigation conducted by researchers at the...

Quick introduction to “Antioxidant ORAC”

The antioxidant values of various foods are expressed in ORAC “units.” ORAC is an acronym for “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.” ORAC is a the unit of measurement that was developed specifically to have some type of uniform way to measure the differing amounts of...

10 foods to help keep your potassium level where it should be

An essential mineral Potassium is one of the seven essential macrominerals. The human body uses potassium constantly to support key processes. According to Medical News Today, high potassium intake reduces the risk of overall mortality by 20 percent. It also decreases...