When it comes to the question, “Why are some people able to live past the age of 100?” there is plenty of debate. Vegetarians argue for eliminating meat from the diet completely. Advocates of the Ketogenic diet urge cutting carbs in favor of fat. Followers...
Rhodiola is a genus of perennial plants that grow in high-altitude and other cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Rhodiola species are often called “stonecrops” due to the types of terrain they typically grow in. Though 96 different species of Rhodiola...
Attention men: Are you taking a supplement to support your “manliness” yet? By now you’re probably aware that sperm counts in Western countries have been declining since the 1940s. In fact, according to a review of 185 studies, total sperm count...
In recent years Western countries have finally started to acknowledge what traditional medical systems in Asian countries have known for centuries: mushrooms convey numerous nutritional and medicinal properties. As a food, mushrooms are low in calories, but rich in...
A new study from Taiwan is highlighting the life-extending benefit of a comprehensive nutritional supplement for the elderly. While most studies on elderly nutrition focus on vitamins and minerals (micronutrients), the new Taiwanese study examined the benefits of a...
The nutrient resveratrol, best known as the bioactive ingredient in red grapes, is celebrating a birthday of sorts. In September 2003 Harvard University researchers published a study showing resveratrol was able to increase the lifespan of human cells. That research...