CoQ10 study shows protective muscle benefit for pro athletes

The antioxidant nutrient CoQ10 is probably most recognized as a supplement for middle-aged and elderly people. This is because its best known health benefits include cardiovascular, neurological and infertility support. However, new research is highlighting the fact...

Western diet linked to lower sperm quality in new study

When it comes to sperm quality, diet is a lot more important than most men realize. According to a recent meta-analysis that included review of 185 studies, total sperm count was shown to have declined by 50% to 60% between 1973 and 2011. In Western countries this...

Muscle nutrient creatine also shown to support immune cells

Millions of health consumers use creatine for its muscle support properties; however, most are unaware that creatine’s circulation-promoting properties also benefit the immune system. Now a new study conducted at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) is...

Study once again proves prostrate benefit of saw palmetto

Natural health practitioners have recommended saw palmetto for urinary tract infections, among other ailments, for centuries. Now a new study shows it works as well, or better, than pharmaceutical prescriptions for enlarged prostrate. Serenoa repens, commonly known as...

B-vitamins and Omega-3s in nuts improve sperm count, study finds

Men who ate about two ounces (60 grams) of nuts daily for 14 weeks improved their sperm count and had more viable “swimmers,” according to a new study from Spain. The research brings welcome news since other researchers have repeatedly demonstrated declines in sperm...