When scanning the ingredients in your favorite nutritional supplement, you’re not likely surprised by the inclusion of exotic herbs from the Far East or Africa. The potent nutrients in plants found in remote places around the world are often featured in...
At the start of a new year just about everyone has the same two health goals: keep the immune system strong in the heart of winter and lose weight that was gained over the holidays. As challenging as these two goals are, a new study has shown that the an innocuous...
Research conducted in 2022 at University College London found people ages 33 to 53 get less sleep than people of all other age groups. Another study took the stats a step further and pinpointed age 40 as the exact age when Americans are getting the least amount of...
According to a new study black seed oil is effective in treating a common, painful health challenge that many young women struggle with: polycystic ovary syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age....
A special report by Optimal Health Systems: On March 18, 2024, Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois announced that he intends to reintroduce his failed 2022 Senate bill (S.4090) forcing strict regulations on the manufacturing and selling of nutritional supplements. In his...
Black seed—also known by its scientific name, Nigella sativa—is a small seed that comes from a flowering plant by the same name. As an annual flowering plant, it is native to parts of Africa, India, Asia and the Mediterranean. It is also known as black cummin. The...