Mothers who want their children to have strong bones as they grow should consider taking a Vitamin D supplement during their pregnancy. This is the primary finding of a freshly-published study from the United Kingdom. According to the study’s conclusion, mothers...
The American Academy of Pediatrics has a problem. In 2022 they published a Where we stand statement insisting healthy children “do not need Vitamin D supplementation over and above the recommended dietary allowances.” But then in 2023 their own research...
According to a new analysis of more than a quarter million participants of the UK Biobank, those with a high Vitamin D status were far less likely to suffer dementia as they age. The UK Biobank is a large longevity study in the United Kingdom which is investigating...
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is one of the most commonly consumed dietary condiments in the world. This popularity is due to the fact that it not only helps other foods taste better, but also because it has been utilized as a medicinal for thousands of years. The 2011...
The most challenging conundrum of pain management is that physical exercise lowers inflammation and pain levels, but pain itself limits exercise habits and decreases the likelihood of exercise. The situation creates a pain cycle that is difficult to defeat. The same...
Vitamin K is well-known for supporting heart health and bone strength, but the results of a new study from Denmark prove the nutrient is also critical for lung health. According to the study’s findings, people who don’t get enough Vitamin K are at a higher risk...