Is supplementary magnesium necessary? Dismal statistics say yes

Is it necessary to include the mineral magnesium to your daily supplement regimen? Many nutrient guidelines state that megnesium is one mineral we don’t need to supplement because we get more than enough from our diet; however, many nutritional experts today...

Antacids cause cancer?

Unbeknownst to most consumers, retailers quietly removed many antacid products from stores in 2019. Why? It turns out research shows that ingredients in popular antacids and acid-blockers can cause kidney damage and other issues—and even lead to cancer. In this...

Five studies indicating colostrum can keep you healthy this winter

It’s that time of year when people you think of as “really healthy” seem to drop like flies as the yearly cold and flu season rolls around. In fact, the media reported last week that eight members of the Superbowl-winning New England Patriots were...

Vitamin D deficiency linked to chronic headaches

If you’re suffering from chronic headaches, you may want to consider spending a little more time in the sun—or start taking a quality vitamin D supplement. According to a study from the University of Eastern Finland, vitamin D deficiencies are more common among people...