A new study from Spain has shown that L-carnitine supplementation can aid muscle damage and speed up recovery after exercise. The researchers noted the results are especially effective for test subjects who are already deficient in L-carnitine. The study, a review of...
On May 30, 2023 the U.S. Food & Drug Association (FDA) updated its webpage Aspartame and Other Sweeteners in Food—and reiterated that the six artificial sweeteners on the FDA’s list are safe for human consumption. Ironically, just one day earlier...
Just when you thought you had a good understanding of probiotics, along comes something called pre-biotics. Then soon after, something called post-biotics. Just what are they, and how do they promote optimal health? The good news is they’re all related, and part...
In the Covid era, when censorship has become commonplace, most people know they can’t discuss vaccine safety on YouTube or Facebook. Not only will doing so get you banned on social media, but will also put you at risk of wrath from multiple governmental...
In a world suffering from skyrocketing dementia rates, a new study is offering a glimmer of hope: an increase in daily magnesium will provide critical protection as you age. According to findings from research conducted at Australian National University (ANU) more...
Almost everyone who is interested in maintaining an healthy immune system knows the first critical step is to optimize the gut. Afterall, an estimated 70 percent of a person’s immune system lies within the gut. People who connect the dots even further realize...