The health benefits of consuming regular amounts of phytonutrients are diverse and extensive. So diverse, in fact, that two new studies highlighted the benefits on opposite ends of the age spectrum—elderly women and young kids. A new study from the University of...
A whopping 94% of American don’t get enough fiber in their diet. This is the conclusion from averaging two major recent studies. A study presented at the Nutrition 2021 Live online conference, sponsored by the American Society for Nutrition, reported that 93% of...
Taking a regimen of nutritional supplements may be more important than ever. According to new research, most people are not able to accurately assess the quality of their diet, and are consuming unhealthy foods they mistakingly judge as healthy on a daily basis. The...
Nagalase is an enzyme with the technical chemical name alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase. It has an important role in the body and is essential for optimal health; however, elevated amounts can be an accurate indicator for serious health issues. Nagalase breaks down...
A new randomized controlled trial focusing on the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin has revealed measurable improvements for visual episodic memory and visual learning. Lutein and zeaxanthin are just two of several hundred carotenoids found in plants, many of which...
A new study from Israel has found that a type of phytonutrient called carotenoids inhibited the secretion of the MMP-1 enzyme—the enzyme responsible for collagen damage—by around 50%. Meanwhile a Penn State University study found that people with...