The legendary Fountain of Youth is a magical spring that restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. Tales of such a fountain have been recounted around the world for thousands of years. The mythical fountain has never been found; however, new...
As new variants of COVID emerge—and as The Centers for Disease Control admits that vaccinations don’t guarantee protection—the importance of maintaining an optimal immune system is more critical than ever. Fortunately a number of studies have...
According to new research, a diet that includes probiotics and phytonutrients can make you look and feel younger in as little as eight weeks. The multi-institutional U.S. study determined that certain diet and lifestyle changes may knock off as much as three years in...
Most people now know that a healthy gut microbiome is essential for human health; however, most people don’t know that this important aspect of health starts in infancy. While most infant studies to date have concentrated on the importance of a healthy gut for...
According to a new study, COVID-19 patients who consumed probiotics once a day for a month had lower remission rates. They also saw shorter duration of symptoms and viral load. The placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical trial sheds light on the gut-lung axis and...
The variety and volume of bacteria in the intestines may influence the severity of COVID-19, according to new research from Hong Kong. The study was conducted by researchers at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and was published online in the scientific journal Gut...