You’ve probably thought of insomnia as a minor annoyance that just leaves you tired and less productive the next day. But according to a new study, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Getting poor sleep also disrupts healthy immune function—and that...
Research conducted in 2022 at University College London found people ages 33 to 53 get less sleep than people of all other age groups. Another study took the stats a step further and pinpointed age 40 as the exact age when Americans are getting the least amount of...
A 2023 survey by the American Psychological Association found that 89 percent of U.S. adults feel stressed during the holiday season. “Holiday season” typically refers to the roughly six-week period between Thanksgiving and the first week after New...
According to market tracking data, an herb that has beed used medicinally for millennia—ashwagandha—has soared in popularity in recent years. Herb Market Report states that herbal supplements with ashwagandha hit $111 million in sales in the U.S. for 2022,...
A new Spanish study focusing on first-year university students has found that lower tryptophan consumption is associated with poor sleep quality. Tryptophan is an amino acid that is used by the human body in the biosynthesis of proteins. As an essential amino acid it...
According to ongoing research, poor sleep quality negatively impacts immune function, heart health, risk of diabetes, obesity and chronic pain. But for those who find getting regular sleep a challenge, there is a health risk they may not be aware of: dementia....