A nationwide survey has found the number of Americans taking nutritional supplements has grown to 77%. An almost equal number—76%—report they have trust in the supplement industry as a whole. The survey was taken in late 2019 by the Council for Responsible...
Unbeknownst to most consumers, retailers quietly removed many antacid products from stores in 2019. Why? It turns out research shows that ingredients in popular antacids and acid-blockers can cause kidney damage and other issues—and even lead to cancer. In this...
If you take an antacid with a glass of water, it just may be that the water actually “cures” your acid problem better than the medicine does. And if you take an antacid without water, it might be more effective to simply drink a glass of water and skip the...
A calorie is a calorie, right? Wrong! If all you do is count calories you’re still setting yourself up for a life of disease. For optimal health you must pay attention to the nutritional density of the foods you eat. In one extreme example a UK teenager went...
A large European study has added to the considerable evidence that regular soda pop consumption contributes to early death. The study demonstrated that even a single soda pop per day is detrimental; however, drinking two sodas daily increased the chancesof dying from...
Using the “Five servings a day” guideline, about one in ten people consume enough fruits and vegetables. But it gets worse: The recommended five-a-day is an old recommendation that dates back to the 1990s. Today most experts are recommending 10 servings of...