If you regularly depend on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for health information, it may be prudent to balance their currently-published information with statements made by employees after they have left the CDC. A case in point: Former director...
Viruses may be in the news a lot lately, but they are not new. In fact, different viruses are the primary cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. Remember, influenza and your common cold are viruses. Pneumonia, AIDS, HPV, and viral hepatitis are also...
Higher levels of belly fat are associated with lower vitamin D levels in obese individuals, according to data presented in Barcelona at the European Society of Endocrinology annual meeting, ECE 2018. The study reports that vitamin D levels are lower in individuals...
Twenty years ago many naturopaths and nutritionists were advocating huge increases in Vitamin D for infants and youth—a group generally thought by the mainstream medical community to not need it. The reason these alternative-health experts were recommending increases...
Vitamin D has been linked to cancer prevention for at least a decade. This link was confirmed stronger than ever in a study published in PLOS One, April 2016. Researchers at UC San Diego conducted an analysis of all the data gathered over the years and concluded that...