IIFYM and Intuitive Eating… The Sucralose Dilemma

As fitness enthusiasts, we have seen many people lose weight on macro counting and agree with the importance of knowing your food intake. Along with macro plans like IIFYM, there is a resurgence of groups promoting anti-diets or intuitive eating.  We believe there is...

Save Your Energy for the Holidays, Instead of for Battling Toxins

Tis the season for a change in diet and an increase in processed food consumption. This also means it’s a good time of year to nurture your body with a soft cleanse. Many times, a change in diet, especially an increased in highly processed food consumption, can cause...

What You Should Know About Food Dyes and Artificial Flavorings

WHY DOES OPTIMAL HEALTH SYSTEMS USE NO FOOD COLOR DYES OR ARTIFICIAL FLAVORINGS IN ANY OF ITS FORMULAS? SIMPLE: WE WANT YOU TO REACH OPTIMAL HEALTH SAFELY. “If a company uses artificial sweeteners or color food dyes, they don’t care about your health as much as OHS...

Your Cat Isn’t the Only Thing in Your House Plotting Your Death

No matter how much of a health nut you are, your body is plagued with toxins. They’re hiding everywhere, slowly poisoning your body and destroying your health. Blood and urine tests Toxins stretch beyond atmospheric pollution. Modern life has allowed toxins to creep...