In a recent blog post we discussed the needless concern over the estrogen-like effects that soybean products are thought to pass on to humans. This concern is not justified, though, because human studies have proven that the isoflavones in soy—commonly...
Soy intake in Asian countries is about five times higher than in the U.S. Part of the reason for this is because of culture. Japanese monks don’t sit in their temples chomping down hamburgers; and cowboys in Texas don’t sit around the campfire eating tofu....
When scanning the ingredients in your favorite nutritional supplement, you’re not likely surprised by the inclusion of exotic herbs from the Far East or Africa. The potent nutrients in plants found in remote places around the world are often featured in...
At the start of a new year just about everyone has the same two health goals: keep the immune system strong in the heart of winter and lose weight that was gained over the holidays. As challenging as these two goals are, a new study has shown that the an innocuous...
A new study found a combination of resveratrol and Vitamin C increased the antioxidant capacity of postmenopausal women with insulin resistance by up to 33%. Antioxidant capacity, in this case, refers to the disease-preventing antioxidant activity found in a...