According to a new report released in November 2016 by The Detox Project and Food Democracy Now!, the U.S. food supply is permeated with poisonous glyphosate.

Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and crop desiccant. It is better recognized under its trade name, Roundup.

Roundup was first brought to market for agricultural use by Monsanto, Inc. in 1974

The title of the report is: Glyphosate: Unsafe on any Plate.

Herbicide for breakfast?

And scientists found the highest levels of this toxic chemical in Cheerios—the breakfast favored by millions of hectic Americans as they rush out the door to work.

Even worse, Cheerios are served by many moms to their babies as one of the first solid foods, as the tiny tots love poking their fingers in the Cheerio holes.

Only one bowl of Cheerios ingested by a vulnerable one year old child is a dangerous overload, says Dave Murphy, Executive Director of Food Democracy Now!

So yes, countless Americans are having glyphosate for breakfast—as well as lunch and dinner.

Modern foods, particularly processed foods are filled with chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors and many unknown additives.

Every day various hazardous agents enter our body through diet and slowly accumulate, only later showing their damage in cancers and other diseases and illnesses.

Origins in pipe-cleaning

Murphy explains that Monsanto has three patents for glyphosate. The first was issued in the 1960s for cleaning pipes. Like Drano, it strips the mineral buildup out of the pipes.

Scientists have found that it actually chelates those same minerals in the soil and makes them unavailable to the plant.

Monsanto scientists later found that glyphosate also kills weeds and it came on the market in 1974 as a pesticide. For years it was used to kill weeds on roadsides, in parks and for forest management.

Then in 1996 Roundup Ready crops (corn, soy and cotton) were introduced. Since then, toxic Roundup Ready use has ballooned to 300 million pounds a year in the U.S. alone.

Glyphosate saturates the Midwest farm belt of Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas.

Processed foods are filled with toxic genetically modified corn and soy additives from the farm belt, which the report found especially prevalent in ‘prepared’ cereals—America’s breakfast of choice.

Glyphosate in the water

U.S. Geological Surveys of 2007 and 2011 showed that 75 percent of rainwater, river and stream samples in the Midwest contained glyphosates.

More recent data from government sources is not available, nor is recent government data about diminished nutrient contents of such basic field vegetables as carrots and potatoes.

The conventional treatment of our chemically-treated soil prevents the plants’ uptake of vital nutrients that we once had.

The Roundup herbicide sprayed on crops in addition to the glyphosate already in the crops evaporates into the air, goes downwind and is taken into the clouds, often falling 100s of miles from where it was first applied.

Today, while every American can’t be a full-blown food scientist, we do need to be aware of the chemicals in the foods we eat. Even when the safety of a chemical is heavily debated—as is the case with glyphosate—you may want to at least limit your exposure.

Consuming organic, or at least conventional whole food prepared from scratch, will provide the lowest exposure to glyphosate.

Adding a detoxing supplement to your diet will help remove not only glyphosate, but also many of the other chemicals you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Cleansing doesn’t have to be complicated. Choices exist from “soft cleansing” to more potent hard-core cleansing.

If time is a concern, Optimal Health Systems also offers a powerful Half-Day Organ Cleanse that includes everything you need along with detailed instructions.

Do you have a sensitivity or otherwise find a full-blown cleanse unappealing? We have options for you too: Optimal Liver-Kidney provides powerful herbs and other nutrients that will support your liver and kidneys on an ongoing basis.

Learn more by visiting our cleanse products page.

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Sources: DetoxProject.org, FoodDemocracyNow.org, Peakprosperity.com.