(image from ruchikabehal.com)
I get asked many times about holiday weight gain and whether it is real or a myth. New research proves it is real but our research also proves it can be avoided. Research, led by Cornell’s Food and Brand Lab as well as scientists in Finland and France, looked at year-round weight patterns of nearly 3,000 people in the United States, Germany, and Japan. Their data came from daily weigh-ins of the participants.
The research from Cornell University also showed that the extra pounds you put on between Halloween and Christmas can take more than five months to lose. In the United States, the researchers found that the participants’ weight began to rise throughout October and November, and peaked 10 days after Christmas.

So, is it inevitable that you are going to gain weight during the holiday season and it will take until summer just to get rid of it? NO
Many years ago we proved that this does not have to be the case. We took a group of 40 people ranging from stay at home mothers, working men and women and a couple athletes. We had this group commit to 20 minutes of exercise 5 days a week on top of whatever else they were doing (many just got up 20 minutes earlier) and we gave guidelines to make healthier choices. At the end of the holiday season, the averages were the opposite of the Cornell study. Our group on average lost 5 lbs of extra fat but still enjoyed thanksgiving day and Christmas day without thinking what they could or could not eat.
Lose Weight and STILL Enjoy the Holidays
Data shows that those who commit to a weight loss resolution BEFORE January 1st are 70% more likely to stick with it than those who wait for the new year to come around.
We have the ultimate answer to keeping those excess pounds off while still enjoying holiday treats. We want you to be ready to take on the holidays wtihout having to adjust your belt a notch or three.
Don’t be one of the 90% that fail to stick with their New Year’s Resolution. Give yourself the gift of a personal trainer. Going it alone is the top reason why people fall off the wagon. The solo approach often leads to unrealistic goals, which leads to people giving up too easily. Having a personal trainer guide and cheer you every step of the way will provide you with a plan to follow, help you stick with it, and keep you believing in yourself.

What You Get
- Personalized meal plan where you won’t go hungry
- Personalized workout routine you’ll stick with
- A personal tranier to guide and cheer you on every step of the way
- An app to keep your progress tracking simple (usable both online and mobile)
- Customized supplementation to optimize your health and maximize your results
- Guided goal setting
- Weekly sessions to keep you motivated and adjust program as necessary
Major Discounts for Major Rewards
There are four different ways you can get in on up to 50% savings:
- Already a member? GET TWO MONTHS FREE PER REFERRAL for who signs up during the month of October 2017.
- 12 MONTH PACKAGE: NOW $600. (50% discount of the normal price of $1,200)
- 6 MONTH PACKAGE: NOW $400. (33% discount off the normal price of $600)
- 8 WEEK INTRODUCTORY PACKAGE: NOW $150. (40% off the normal price of $249)
- Not sure if you’re ready to commit? We have a monthly ongoing price of $100/mo.