Many, if not most, people have never heard of the essential mineral molybdenum, let alone considered its key role in a lot of our body’s functions.

Molybdenum helps protect existing cells and creates new healthy cells. It aids the cellular processes such as digesting food, making our heart beat, creating energy, and supporting our muscles.

It also helps our vital organs get rid of waste and activates enzymes that perform antioxidant functions in the blood.

Molybdenum also is a necessary element in the synthesizing of amino acids.

A deficiency in molybdenum may increase the risk of esophageal cancer and lower life expectancy.

Molybdenum acts as a catalyst for enzymes and to help the breakdown of certain amino acids in the human body.

Molybdenum also helps prevent anemia by actively mobilizing iron already found in the human system.

Molybdenum interacts with the Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) content in the body to infuse iron and hemoglobin.

Diets rich in protein such as meat or soy contain high volumes of molybdenum; however, since high meat-protein diets can cause other health issues, it is best to rely more on plant sources.

Unfortunately, the content of molybdenum—and many other important vitamins and minerals—is not as high in plant foods today. This is due to modern corporate farming methods. Over time these methods have depleted the soil of essential nutrients.

These findings were published first in 2009 in the journal Environmental Geochemistry and Health, and again in the Global Journal of Health Science in 2012.

With this in mind, it is best to include a wide variety of foods containing molybdenum. This  includes beans and other legumes, grains and nuts—especially almonds and peanuts.

And of course include a vitamin/mineal product that contains molybdenum to your daily regimen.

Molybdenum may sound like an inconsequential nutrient in light of the publicity covering all the “big name” vitamins, but the evidence clearly shows that it’s NOT inconsequential!

Nor are many other essential minerals that are deficient in factory-farmed and highly-processed foods.

We need them all, including molybdenum. Our bodies know best.

So, eat up… and supplement!

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Molybdenum is one of the critical vitamins and minerals found in Optimal Whole Food Vitamin/Mineral by Optimal Health Systems.

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Sources include: ScienceDirect.com, MedicalNewsToday.com, Livestrong.com.