Stress and anxiety are pretty good at cramping out ability to breathe. Sometimes it’s as extreme as hyperventilating. Other times our bodies are so tense that our breathing grows habitually shallow, also considered chronic hyperventilation. Poor breathing slowly builds into longterm health problems, like cancer, heart disease, and more.
Sounds like a bit of a stretch? It’s not. Such health problems stem from low levels of oxygen in your brain and body. Dr. Otto Warburg, who is the only person to have ever received two Nobel Prizes for Medicine and who was also nominated for a third, discovered, “The fundamental cause of all degenerative disease is hypoxia (oxygen starvation at the cellular level). Cancer and other degenerative disease cannot survive in an oxygen-rich-environment.”
Studies show that nearly 90% of the population suffer from low oxygen and hyperventilation (either bouts or chronic). Breathing is a natural process our brains make sure we do automatically. So, in order to get those deep breaths you need to stay healthy and alert, you need to take conscious control of your lungs.
Another oxygen proponent, Dr. Norman McVaue, states, “The link between insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. The evidence is overwhelming. Oxygen plays a powerful, primary role in our health and well-being. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce. Understanding this is more important today than ever before, because of a general deficiency of oxygen intake.”
A study by J.W. Shield, M.D., entitled, “Lymph, lymph glands and homeostasis,” revealed, “Deep diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the cleansing of the lymph system by creating a vacuum effect which pulls the lymph through the bloodstream. This increases the rat of toxic elimination by as much as 15 times the normal rate.”
Dr. McVae concludes with this powerful statement: “Simply put, the best way to optimize health is to be sure that we oxygenate every cell in our body.”
The Optimal Breathing Technique
The Optimal Breathing Technique is the best way to breathe in order to increase oxygen and derive the benefits. Additionally, it is the best way to have more rapid loss of body fat, release toxins, increase concentration and relieve stress.

- Get rid of all the stale air in your lungs by steadily blowing out through your mouth. When you feel as if you can’t blow any more air out, expel one more thrusting breath to completely empty the lungs.
- Close your mouth. Then, flaring the nostrils, sharply inhale through the nose, quickly and forcibly pulling as much air into the diaphragm as possible (the spot just below your sternum). If you’re not making noise, you’re doing it wrong!
- Continue to steadily pull the air in as deeply as you can. When you feel as if you have taken in all the air you can, open your mouth and take a final inhale through your mouth.
- Hold for seven seconds.
- Open your mouth and, like someone socked you in the stomach, exhale from the diaphragm with a quick, explosive breathe. Again, if you’re not making noise, you’re doing it wrong. As you blow the air out, roll the stomach in and up.
- Hold for seven seconds.
- Repeat several more times.
Don’t be surprised if this technique sounds a little confusing. Since this isn’t a natural breathing cycle, it will feel awkward at first. Don’t give up. In just a day or two, this technique will seem almost second nature.
Optimal Oxy Pure
To further improve your oxygen levels, you can give yourself a boost with Oxy Pure, an 04 molecule formulated with a guaranteed 35% oxygen strength. Improving oxygen levels helps fight colds, flu, infection, rash, shingles, alkalization, candida, bug bites, athlete’s foot, and more. Creating an oxygenated internal environment allows the body to better fight infections and viruses, as well as eliminates toxins.
Dosing: Add 15 drops in 4 oz. of water 3 times a day, or as needed. Best if used thirty minutes before or one hour after meals. May be taken sublingually or used topically. Shake well before use.