Why Methylation Matters When It Comes to Heart Health

Your body needs B vitamins for various health reasons, including your heart. B vitamins are exactly what your body needs to reduce your risk of heart failure, stroke, heart disease. Research results are mixed on whether or not this is true but the explanation is...

Fats that Heal: The Role of EFAs in Heart Health

Let’s put heart health in perspective, by time traveling back to February, 1964: The average American male weighed 166 pounds pounds (the current average is 196 pounds) On February 9th, a band called “The Beatles” launched their invasion of America, singing “I Want To...

The Blunt Truth About Why Meal Replacements are a BAD IDEA

You’re busy. We get it. Making time to cook a balanced meal isn’t always possible when life seamlessly segues from work to one personal life commitment to another. There aren’t always enough hours in a day to cook, or anywhere convenient to pop a prepared meal in a...